
Sweet Rylan

Sunday, February 19, 2012

You are what you eat!!!!!

Seriously....YOU are what you eat. If you eat crap...your body is crap. Do you feel like total poo after eating junk? I know I do. Something I have noticed about myself lately....I have been indulging in junk, and I feel like junk. I have been craving sweets like crazy, and practically shoveling them down my throat..and let me say, it's not doing any good for my body! I have gained weight, been feeling sluggish, out of energy quickly, bloated..on and on. My point here, I have got to put the freakin cookies down!!!
Ha. Random ramble, I know. I have neglected this poor blog for too long. I swear I shall write more!.


I just cant seem to find the words to say.....which is why I shall end in song.

This has been my favorite song lately, she speaks to me. In all of her songs really, but this one in paticular. Our world is spinning out of control, in original sin.
Our people are following the crowd, living off of conveinance, acting as a herd of sheep. Yep, I said it. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.
America is so FUCKED up it makes me sick. And not a thing is going to change. Our government has quite the plan for the American people, and I don't believe it involves any changes for the better. Not for our benefit at least, not the citizens.
We are in a perfect state for the government to take control. We are pumped full of chemicals, cancer and disease ridden, weak, mindless, ready for a big change...but little do we all know following the rules and obeying will be the death of us.

Ohhhhhhhhh I am a random rambler.
Random rambler random rambler random rambler random rambler. Whew....say that ten more times! Ha.

Anyway. Life is good I suppose. I am going to keep writing on this blog, I swear I am!
Much love.
xoxo Naomi