
Sweet Rylan

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I made it to my due date! Say what???
Now as my due date 12/21/12 has come and gone....just waiting, waiting, waiting on BABY!!

At this point things are taking their sweet time. Where oh where is my squishy newborn? Still in the BELLY!

How far along? Currently 40 weeks 1 day pregnant as writing this.
Not sure how to feel that I don't have my sweet girl yet, but I am happy she is nice and FULL TERM!

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now 158. Total of 23 pounds gained so far. Gaining weight has been such a struggle for me this pregnancy! But, I feel comfortable with my weight gain, and I know she is nice and healthy in there:) With Rylan I gained a total of 25 pounds, he was born at 38 I am a little smaller this pregnancy! But comparing my belly casts, I think she is bigger that he was! We shall see!

Rylan's yellow Belly cast, baby GIRL'S blue belly cast! Both done around 35 weeks!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, sweatpants.Pretty much I dont leave the house since working from home, so I am always in comfy clothes!I am down to about 2 shirts that fit, and one pair of pants that clothes are limited!

Stretch marks? I have small marks that have extended from my marks from Rylan! Very small, and only a couple. They are in the exact spots his marks are, on my LOVE HANDLES! I suppose I stretch from the back to front, just as I did with Rylan. Luckily this time, my butt has not extended into the next country though! I have maintained a pretty normal weight growth, and really it's only been my belly that has done all the growing! I got one new stretch mark right above my belly button! VERY random.

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy,My skin is a little pimply this week. Maybe hormones getting ready to deliver?? LETS HOPE SO!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Can only sleep on my left side, and Rylan likes to be a snuggle I am cramped in one position all night. I also wake up to pee every 2 hours, and then have to find a comfortable position again. And the heartburn is INTENSE!

Best moment this week:Taking sick leave from work and being able to rest! Been going to bed by 8 pm every night, it has been nice! I have been spending lots of time with Rylan and preparing for baby girl, so that has been very wonderful!

Miss anything?All the foods I love. I still have lots of aversions, but it is getting better! I miss having a normal appetite, mine is all out of whack!
Movement: LOTS of movement still! She is a bit cramped and her movements are different now, but she's still going strong in there!
Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous SOOO horrible), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce, brussel sprouts, poptarts(guilty), cereal with almond milk, chili/bean soup, cornbread, pumpkin,turkey sandwhiches!  I have been DYING to eat some grilled veggie kabobs and some grilled fish. Sounds soooo yummy! Oh man, and California rolls. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up! I still throw up in the mornings sometimes too. It comes on out of no where. Usually before I have eaten anything.

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!! At least I hope she's still a girl in there...I did get another sonogram to make sure, and she claims shes a girl still! I definitely did not see a penis!

Labor signs: I have been experiencing some braxton hicks contractions, crampyness, lots of pressure, but no pattern is being formed. The contractions are all day long, but never get stronger, never progress.

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, HEARTBURN emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. Crampy. READY.

Belly button in or out?It's out there, no doubt.

Can you see your toes? NO!  Oh my goodness, I have to peek around the belly to see my feet. (DEFinitely cant see my VAG either without peeking around, HAHA!)

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody.Overall happy and anxious for baby to come!

Looking forward to:A large appetite coming soon...still dont have a huge appetite.  I am looking forward to my BIRTH!!!
Looking forward to meeting my baby girl, and giving birth to her. Anxious for labor and the next many months to come!

40 week midwife appt was good. Baby is good, just comfy as can be in there! She is not engaged or really in the position yet, but she is head and shoulders down. She favors the left side rather than the right, so I have been spending lots of time crawling around after Rylan.

 40 weeks!!

Little Rylan as a newborn!! He was SO SO SO TINY!


Check me out on Youtube!!! naomrs1 Follow me on FACEBOOK!!!

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I guess it's true what they say, a broken heart is blind :(

This post is going to be out of the ordinary, that's for sure.
A few months ago in September I was so rudely awakened with a broken heart. My love of 4 years, boyfriend, father of my children, best friend, partner in crime...dumped me. Left me. Stranded me, broke my heart, and showed no shame in it. At the time I was 6 months pregnant, and working my ASS off to pay for this new baby. He was jobless. Still is actually. Beside the point for now...but I recently had started a new job working 40 hours a week, and had to go through an intense training program when he left me.
WORST possible timing on his part but starting to realize now, I do not need him.

I imagine this post is going to jump around alot, as that is how my feelings are about this subject..all over the place.

My love, lets call him Z. I may have been wrong to him in the past, but we have moved on from there...started a family and were moving forward with our lives, so I thought.
Our relationship had been lacking, most definitely, mostly because he refused to get a job while I worked 40 hours a SURE I am gonna be mega bitch, right? I had every right to complain. 6 months pregnant, sole provider/care giver for our 2 year old, and the only one providing for them. So, any self respecting woman in this situation would bitch and complain. The raging hormones don't help anything either!

Anyway. Everyone looking at our relationship from the outside I am sure thought I was an idiot for being with him. No job to support us, no motivation to get a job, and no interest in manning up and being there for your kid...soon to be TWO. Looking back I feel pretty ignorant allowing myself to be hurt like this. But, my unconditional love for Z always outweighed our problems. I always told myself things would get better, he would change BLAH blah blah...because I loved him. We had a connection like no one else I had met. We understood each other, and loved each other. I am sure I will find love again, and I hope my heart will eventually heal from this.

Lets talk about his priorities. He dumped me, and was already talking to some other girl. In fact, the DAY he dumped me I was at work...he took our son to meet some 20 year old girl at the lake without me knowing. NEVER would I take our son to meet up with some guy. What kind of message does that send to the poor 2 year old? Why is daddy talking with some girl thats not mommy? I dont believe it's healthy to bring your children around anyone and everyone. There is a certain level of trust that has to be met to have the privilege of knowing my son, and I dont believe that girl had earned any of that trust. Not from Z or me. Anyway, he "says" that he dumped me because his music that he is pursuing is more important right now. But, all of the sudden he dumps me and then has girls around and all over him that must be what it's about right? Not just girls...17 year old girls COME ON right? So...there is a little insight about his priorities. Any guy who would dump their 6 months pregnant girlfriend to go party it up with 17 year old little girls is pathetic. If I were some drug addict horrible mother I could see the logic in this...but as it is I am a wonderful mother. I do anything and everything for our son. I literally go above and beyond to ensure he is happy, healthy, and well, and he seems to think partying is better than that.

My self esteem has been SHIT. for a couple months I literally cried every single day. Most of the day. I didn't want to eat, sleep, care for myself, and really had no motivation to care for Rylan either, sadly. Of course I trucked on and did it, because it is my responsibility, and I love Rylan more than anyone. I am not only obligated, but it is number one priority in my life to care for him the best I can. So, while keeping up with him, dealing with pregnancy, working non stop, and handling my emotions that had left me to a point of depression and exhaustion I cannot even explain really. I still cant say I am over it. Probably wont be for a long time. I am starting to see I can handle it though. I can handle being a single mom, I can handle whatever is in store for me.

Recently I have had an extreme amount of support and love, and my self esteem is on the rise again. Not completely back to normal, but with time it will be. I am just about 9 months pregnant these hormones are not helping! But, eventually I will love myself as much as I deserve to be loved.

For months now I have questioned myself. Who the FUCK am I??
I am single. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am vibrant. I am independent. I am loving. I am compassionate. I am caring. I am scared, but ready. I am lonely. I hate feeling lonely, but having my babies I know I am never alone. I cant help but to be longing to be touched, rubbed, kissed, loved on...but one day I will find someone who can fill that lonely spot. Of course my babies are most important now, but I cant say I want to be in this life without an adult to share it all with. I dont mind just being single with my kids, but I admit I hope to find love.

Love is how I make sense of this world. Love is how I channel my emotions, and intense thoughts. Love is real to me, and I really want to feel it again. I want to be important to a special someone. I want to be on his mind..whoever it will be. I want to be told how beautiful I am every day. I really hope to find this again.

Gosh...I am sure this is so out of order...but this is how it's gonna be. Raw, unedited, real.
Exactly how the words enter my mind is how I write them. Not that there is anyone reading this silly old blog!
But, if you are...please tell me I am not along. Surely I am not the only single mama who feels this much pain from being left?

Finally I am getting to a point where I can forget about Z throughout the day. I can think of what he's doing in his life right now, what he has done to mine, and how he is handling his kids lives and feel sick about him.
Before, I wasn't able to stop thinking about him, so this is a step forward I guess.

It still hurts me to think I am in this single parent thing alone. I never imagined not being a family. It just always made so much sense...Z Naomi and Rylan. We had fun together, explored together, did things together as a family. girl is coming and the thought of us not going out together as a famiy, enjoying her every move together as a hurts bad. I have wonderful people around me, sure, but it doesn't replace that feeling of being together as a family.
Maybe one day I will meet someone wonderful who wants to be a part of my family?? Who knows.
Until then, I pick myself off the ground every day and try to move on.

That's really all I can do I guess. Move on. Stand tall. Dont look back, but move forward with love. Move forward with a clear mind. Free my mind from worries, free my heart from hatred, and embrace every moment I have.

Ahhhh I have no idea, but I do know things can only get better from here right??

xoxo Naomi

Friday, November 23, 2012

                                  What are YOU thankful for??

As the holidays are here with us I am pondering all of the things I am thankful for in my life. Of course I have a lot to be thankful for, but what exactly has touched my life the most??

First I am thankful for my mother. She didn't push me out of her vagina...but she did carry me for 9 months, and gave me life. She made a sacrifice of her body to nourish me inside of her, and gave me life! By surgery, but that is beside the point. She worked hard to get me onto this planet. Pregnancy isn't easy, so I commend her for that, and will forever be grateful she brought me here to planet Earth.

Next I am thankful for my dad. He has been such an inspiration to me. He has never judged me, and how I live my life...only has found ways to cope with my free spirit. I have not been an easy child for him to deal with ESPECIALLY not in my teen years. I stayed out late, lied, was a wild child, introduced myself into things no father should have to deal with regarding their 15 year old daughter..but through it all he has been so supportive! Here I am now broke, I have a 2 year old, and a baby on the way...with an ex boyfriend who doesn't seem to care, and my dad has me living with him with loving open arms. NO questions asked. I could go on and on about how awesome he is, but there isn't enough time. Point is YOU ROCK DAD! Thanks for being there always.

I am so thankful for my son Rylan. He has showed me unconditional love, has brought so much joy to my life, and has taught me more than I ever imagined. He never ceases to amaze me. His eagerness to learn, his strong will, vibrant attitude, stubborn qualities are all so incredible and beautiful to me. He is absolutely splendid! He has challenged me, tested my patience, and opened up my heart in ways I never thought was possible. At the beginning, middle, and end of every single day his smile can wash away every worry. Simple things like reading with him, jumping on the bed, making silly noises, having a snack together....every bit of it is so amazing. I feel so blessed to be his mother. His giggles, messy face, and sweet words are all so comforting to me. Being a mom has changed my life, turned my life around from a low dark place, and I will forever be grateful to Rylan for that. I want to be the best example for him always, and hope that I am always his hero:) Watching him develop, grow, learn, and thrive is pure bliss!

I am so extremely thankful for my friends. My best friends have been there for me through it all. They have advised me, guided me, comforted me, "had my back" for everything. I haven't been the greatest person in my life, I have messed up, and I have made mistakes...but they have never ever betrayed me or left my side. They continue to show me the beauty in life, love, and friendships. They never are too busy to hear me complain, listen to my worries, and pick me up when I need a lift. Lately especially. I have been going through a really hard time, and just when I have needed them the most, they are there. No questions asked. They listen to me complain, bitch, whine, and stress. I know that the best friends I have now, will be the best friends I have forever. No doubt. I LOVE YOU BESTIES!

Im thankful for life. For healthy foods in our unhealthy world. Thankful for my health, wisdom, love for our Earth, animals, friends, acquaintances, family, my body, and my vagina....cause it's about to push a baby out in a few weeks!!! HAHA. Im so thankful for my princess coming in December. I know she will change my life in ways I cannot imagine just like Rylan did.

So....hopefully I covered it all..but I would love to know. What are YOU thankful for??

xoxo NaturalMommyNaomi


I realize I haven't made an update in so long, my life has been SO chaotic! But, here I am 36 weeks about to have a baby!!!

Things are flying by faster than ever! Third trimester! YAY!

How far along? Currently 36 weeks as writing this.

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 153. I was 153.4 at my appt last week, so maybe I am up to 154 or 155 by now! Especially after all the food I ate over the holiday!I have gained a total of 18 pounds so far, would LOVE to gain at least 5 more...not sure thats possible before she comes! Weight gain has been something I have struggled with this entire pregnancy, but she seems to be nice and healthy in there!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, sweatpants.Pretty much I dont leave the house since working from home, so I am always in comfy clothes! I have some cute maternity tops and pants that I can wear still, but my wardrobe is very limited!
Stretch marks? I have small marks that have extended from my marks from Rylan! Very small, and only a couple. They are in the exact spots his marks are, on my LOVE HANDLES! I suppose I stretch from the back to front, just as I did with Rylan. Luckily this time, my butt has not extended into the next country though! I have maintained a pretty normal weight growth, and really it's only been my belly that has done all the growing!

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, my skin is clear as can be! My hair seems to be growing fast! My hair is long and lovely. I feel the pregnancy glow!I feel like a radiant pregnant goddess:)

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. My dreams are intense, I have to pee every two hours, I cant find a position to lay in that makes me comfortable enough to stay still! It seems I toss and turn all night. Ohhhh the pregnancy insomnia joy! And I have Rylan...the BED HOG. He takes up the whole bed, and pillow. He likes to lay as close to me as possible pushing me off the side. It's very sweet to have such a cuddle bug, but I get tired having to move him over all night so I can sleep! Silly sweet boy. He says, " I lay on mommy's pillow too"! Sweetie:) My most recent pain is HEARTBURN!! All day and night. Making it impossible to get comfortable!

Best moment this week:Spending the holiday with my little pumpkin Rylan. Preparing for baby girl!!

Miss anything?All the foods I love. I still have lots of aversions, but it is getting better! I miss having a normal appetite, mine is all out of whack!
Movement: LOTS of movement!!!! I feel baby girl all day! She seems to be most active when I am laying in bed, and at night. And I suppose she is sleeping all day! When I am crouched over or in the car, she goes crazy with movement!!!  I am starting to feel body parts as well! I can feel what I think is her butt at the top of my stomach all the time! My belly makes all kinds of crazy movements. It is SOOOO hard too! I love feeling her. Every time she moves I put my hands on my belly to feel. It never gets old:) We are ONE right now, but soon I will have to share her!

Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous SOOO horrible), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce, brussel sprouts, poptarts(guilty), cereal with almond milk, chili/bean soup, cornbread, pumpkin,turkey sandwhiches!  I have been DYING to eat some grilled veggie kabobs and some grilled fish. Sounds soooo yummy! Oh man, and California rolls. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up! I still throw up in the mornings sometimes too. It comes on out of no where. Usually before I have eaten anything.

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!! At least I hope she's still a girl in there...I did get another sonogram to make sure, and she claims shes a girl still! I definitely did not see a penis!

Labor signs: I have been experiencing some braxton hicks contractions, crampyness, lots of pressure, and I think a little mucous plug even came loose!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, HEARTBURN emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy. I dont feel  crampy after breastfeeding Rylan anymore, so that is good! Growing/stretching pains. Soooo sleepy. Feet hurt:( I am really considering getting a massage!!!
I feel very heavy lately! She is growing, I am getting more uncomfortable. My organs are squished! It's okay though, I love her. And as uncomfortable as I will get, I LOVE being pregnant. I love creating, growing, and carrying a baby inside me. What an incredible feeling it is! I appreciate being a woman every single day:)

Belly button in or out?It's out there, no doubt.

Can you see your toes? NO!  Oh my goodness, I have to peek around the belly to see my feet. (DEFinitely cant see my VAG either without peeking around, HAHA!)

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody.And going through some things right now as well, I am sad and lonely alot. But, it doesnt change the fact I am thrilled and ecstatic for my baby girl to be here soon!

Looking forward to:A large appetite coming soon...still dont have a huge appetite.  I am looking forward to getting everything ready for my BIRTH!!!
Looking forward to meeting my baby girl, and giving birth to her. Anxious for labor and the next many months to come!

I am 36 weeks while writing this! I had another midwife appt on November 20th! Everything seems great! I gained 0 pounds in 2 weeks...but my belly is growing just as it should. Hoping to gain something before my next appt. WEEKLY APPTS now!!! Can you believe it?? I sure cant!!


Check me out on Youtube!!! naomrs1 Follow me on FACEBOOK!!!

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

Friday, September 28, 2012


Things are flying by faster than ever! Third trimester! YAY!
How far along? Currently 28 weeks as writing this.

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 149. I was 148.2 at my appt last week, so maybe I am up to 149 by now! I have probably gained nearly 15 pounds I would say! With Rylan I gained a total of 25 pounds, so I am curious to see the end result of BABY NUMBA TWO weight gain!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, shorts, sweatpants. I have some shirts that will still fit me for a while, and some skirts. I need new clothes though! The belly is growing quickly, and daily!
Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, my skin is pretty clear.My hair seems to be growing fast! My hair is long and lovely. I feel the pregnancy glow!I feel like a radiant pregnant goddess:)

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. My dreams are intense, I have to pee every two hours, I cant find a position to lay in that makes me comfortable enough to stay still! It seems I toss and turn all night. Ohhhh the pregnancy insomnia joy! And I have Rylan...the BED HOG. He takes up the whole bed, and pillow. He likes to lay as close to me as possible pushing me off the side. It's very sweet to have such a cuddle bug, but I get tired having to move him over all night so I can sleep! Silly sweet boy. He says, " I lay on mommy's pillow too"! Sweetie:)

Best moment this week: BABY MOVEMENT!!!! Lots and lots of it!!! Non pregnancy related though...Rylan is the sweetest. Every day I get to be with him I am so thankful, he really is quite the sweet little boy these days! I graduated my training class for work! And my work friends threw me a baby shower! How wonderful and sweet of them!!!

 GRADUATED from training class at work!!!

My prego friend!!! We are due 5 days apart, both with girls!

Miss anything?All the foods I love. I still have lots of aversions, but it is getting better! I miss having a normal appetite, mine is all out of whack!

Movement: LOTS of movement!!!! I feel baby girl all day! She seems to be most active when I am laying in bed, and at night. And I suppose she is sleeping all day! When I am crouched over or in the car, she goes crazy with movement!!!  I am starting to feel body parts as well! I can feel what I think is her butt at the top of my stomach all the time! My belly makes all kinds of crazy movements. It is SOOOO hard too! I love feeling her. Every time she moves I put my hands on my belly to feel. It never gets old:) We are ONE right now, but soon I will have to share her!

Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous SOOO horrible), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce, brussel sprouts, poptarts(guilty), cereal with almond milk, chili/bean soup, cornbread, pumpkin, and a weird and sooooo bad craving I have is coffee:( I work late now, and the smell of coffee is amazing. So sometimes I give in a drink a cup:( I would just drink decaf but working so late its not just the coffee I crave, but the caffeine too! I know...shame on me. I have been DYING to eat some grilled veggie kabobs and some grilled fish. Sounds soooo yummy! Oh man, and California rolls. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up! I still throw up in the mornings sometimes too. It comes on out of no where. Usually before I have eaten anything.

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!! At least I hope she's still a girl in there...thinking of getting another sonogram to make sure, but I dont know if I want one or not.

Labor signs: No way! Although I may have experienced some Braxton Hicks?? Not sure just yet, but I think I may have experienced them a time or few.

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, heartburn, emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy. I dont feel  crampy after breastfeeding Rylan anymore, so that is good! Growing/stretching pains. Soooo sleepy. Feet hurt:( I am really considering getting a massage!!!
I feel very heavy lately! She is growing, I am getting more uncomfortable. My organs are squished! It's okay though, I love her. And as uncomfortable as I will get, I LOVE being pregnant. I love creating, growing, and carrying a baby inside me. What an incredible feeling it is! I appreciate being a woman every single day:)

Belly button in or out?It's out there, no doubt.

Can you see your toes? NO!  Oh my goodness, I have to peek around the belly to see my feet. (DEFinitely cant see my VAG either without peeking around, HAHA!)

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody.And going through some things right now as well, I am sad and lonely alot. But, it doesnt change the fact I am thrilled and ecstatic for my baby girl to be here soon!

Looking forward to:A large appetite coming soon...still dont have a huge appetite. Looking forward to starting work from home in the next few weeks! I am looking forward to getting everything ready for my HOME BIRTH!!!
Looking forward to meeting my baby girl, and giving birth to her. Anxious for labor and the next many months to come!

I am 28 weeks while writing this! I had another midwife appt on September 20th! Everything seems great! I gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks. My iron was a little low:( She gave me some gentle iron pills, so hopefully that helps! Other than that, baby is growing and all is well! I love my midwife:)


Check me out on Youtube!!! naomrs1

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

  26, yes...TWENTY SIX weeks pregnant. Whaaaaat?

Haha. I swear this pregnancy is flying by..third trimester on the way!
How far along? Currently 26 weeks as writing this.

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 149. I think I have gained close to 15 pounds now!! I have been losing and gaining off an on up until now and I think I may finally continue to gain. Haven't weighed myself in two weeks, so maybe I am bigger now?

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, shorts, sweatpants. I have some shirts that will still fit me for a while, and some skirts. I need new clothes though! The belly is growing quickly now!
Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, my skin is pretty clear.My hair seems to be growing fast! My hair is long and lovely. I feel the pregnancy glow!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. My dreams are intense, I have to pee every two hours, I cant find a position to lay in that makes me comfortable enough to stay still! It seems I toss and turn all night. Ohhhh the pregnancy insomnia joy!

Best moment this week: BABY MOVEMENT!!!! Lots and lots of it!!! Non pregnancy related though...Rylan is the sweetest. Every day I get to be with him I am so thankful, he really is quite the sweet little boy these days!
Miss anything?All the foods I love. I still have lots of aversions, but it is getting better! I miss having a normal appetite, mine is all out of whack!

Movement: LOTS of movement!!!! I feel baby girl all day! She seems to be most active when I am laying in bed, and at night. And I suppose she is sleeping all day! When I am crouched over or in the car, she goes crazy with movement!!! Zachary felt baby kick for the first time:) I am starting to be able to feel stronger ones higher up now. Before she stayed pouncing on my vajayjay! Ha. But I suppose she is filling out my belly more now.

Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce, brussel sprouts, poptarts(guilty), cereal with almond milk, chili/bean soup, cornbread, pumpkin, and a weird and sooooo bad craving I have is coffee:( I work late now, and the smell of coffee is amazing. So sometimes I give in a drink a cup:( I would just drink decaf but working so late its not just the coffee I crave, but the caffeine too! I know...shame on me.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up!
Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!! At least I hope she's still a girl in there...thinking of getting another sonogram to make sure, but I dont know if I want one or not.

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, heartburn, emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy. I dont feel  crampy after breastfeeding Rylan anymore, so that is good! Growing/stretching pains. Soooo sleepy. Feet hurt:( I am really considering getting a massage!!!

Belly button in or out?It's out there, no doubt.

Can you see your toes? Yes!

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody.And going through some things right now as well, I am sad and lonely alot. But, it doesnt change the fact I am thrilled and ecstatic for my baby girl to be here soon!

Looking forward to:A large appetite coming soon...still dont have a huge appetite. Looking forward to starting work from home in the next few weeks! I am looking forward to getting everything ready for my HOME BIRTH!!!

I am 26 weeks while writing this! I have another midwife appt on September 20th! Only a few days away!
Last appointment went GREAT! I LOVE my midwife!!!

 At work...25 1/2 weeks or so!

 Haha, the infamous work bathroom. 25 weeks 6 days!
 This is my SWEEEEEET new nephew Jaylon Crue. Oh my he is wonderful!
 And of course my sweet sweet Rylan Jude:)
26 weeks pregnant belly!!!!!

Check me out on Youtube!!! naomrs1

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

Friday, August 17, 2012

21 weeks PREGNANT!!!!!


How far along? Currently 22 weeks as writing this, but I want to update on what's been going on for week 21!!!

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 145. Finally gaining some weight!!! Before the last few weeks I was losing weight, now I am up about 9-10 pounds!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, shorts, sweatpants. I have some shirts that will still fit me for a while, and some skirts. I need new clothes though! The belly is growing quickly now!

Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, my skin is pretty clear.My hair seems to be growing fast! As long and lovely as it is, I am debating cutting it off. It's such a pain to fix, and I always end up wearing a pony tail. I am not sure if I am ready to give up my long hair just yet!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. My dreams have been kind of horrifying lately:( Every dream I have I am either fighting for my life, killing someone to protect Rylan, or in a bad situation. I dont know if this could be stress related or what, but it's disturbing my sleep. And my bed is not big enough! Need bigger bed ASAP!

Best moment this week: BABY MOVEMENT!!!! Lots and lots of it!!!

Miss anything? Being able to smell cooking food and not want to vomit! Missing all the foods I love, but cant stomach.  Missing my favorite jeans...all I have are maternity pants that make my butt look saggy!

Movement: LOTS of movement!!!! I feel baby girl all day! She seems to be most active when I am laying in bed, and at night. And I suppose she is sleeping all day! When I am crouched over or in the car, she goes crazy with movement!!! Zachary felt baby kick for the first time!!!!

Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce! I am finally able to eat a bit healthier!

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up!

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!!

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes(although, sometimes I go forever without peeing...which is weird) heartburn, emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy. I have felt a little crampy after breastfeeding Rylan...but I think that has alot to do with upping my water intake! Growing/stretching pains.

Belly button in or out? Making it's way out already. I have an innie/outie type belly button, so it's no surprise it's poking out so soon!

Can you see your toes? Yes!

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody. But mostly happy. And tired.Very emotional. Everything makes me cry!

Looking forward to:This whole time I have been looking forward to a large appetite, STILL DONT HAVE ONE! It's so annoying. I want to be hungry all the time like I was when pregnant with Rylan, but I am just not! Drives me crazy!

I am 22 weeks while writing this! I have another midwife appt on August 21st!
Last appointment went GREAT! I LOVE my midwife!!!

Check me out on Youtube!!!

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!