
Sweet Rylan

Friday, August 17, 2012

21 weeks PREGNANT!!!!!


How far along? Currently 22 weeks as writing this, but I want to update on what's been going on for week 21!!!

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 145. Finally gaining some weight!!! Before the last few weeks I was losing weight, now I am up about 9-10 pounds!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, shorts, sweatpants. I have some shirts that will still fit me for a while, and some skirts. I need new clothes though! The belly is growing quickly now!

Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, my skin is pretty clear.My hair seems to be growing fast! As long and lovely as it is, I am debating cutting it off. It's such a pain to fix, and I always end up wearing a pony tail. I am not sure if I am ready to give up my long hair just yet!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. My dreams have been kind of horrifying lately:( Every dream I have I am either fighting for my life, killing someone to protect Rylan, or in a bad situation. I dont know if this could be stress related or what, but it's disturbing my sleep. And my bed is not big enough! Need bigger bed ASAP!

Best moment this week: BABY MOVEMENT!!!! Lots and lots of it!!!

Miss anything? Being able to smell cooking food and not want to vomit! Missing all the foods I love, but cant stomach.  Missing my favorite jeans...all I have are maternity pants that make my butt look saggy!

Movement: LOTS of movement!!!! I feel baby girl all day! She seems to be most active when I am laying in bed, and at night. And I suppose she is sleeping all day! When I am crouched over or in the car, she goes crazy with movement!!! Zachary felt baby kick for the first time!!!!

Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce! I am finally able to eat a bit healthier!

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up!

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!!

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes(although, sometimes I go forever without peeing...which is weird) heartburn, emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy. I have felt a little crampy after breastfeeding Rylan...but I think that has alot to do with upping my water intake! Growing/stretching pains.

Belly button in or out? Making it's way out already. I have an innie/outie type belly button, so it's no surprise it's poking out so soon!

Can you see your toes? Yes!

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody. But mostly happy. And tired.Very emotional. Everything makes me cry!

Looking forward to:This whole time I have been looking forward to a large appetite, STILL DONT HAVE ONE! It's so annoying. I want to be hungry all the time like I was when pregnant with Rylan, but I am just not! Drives me crazy!

I am 22 weeks while writing this! I have another midwife appt on August 21st!
Last appointment went GREAT! I LOVE my midwife!!!

Check me out on Youtube!!!

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

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