IM PREGNANT!!!!! With baby #2!!!
It's so exciting, yet so overwhelming and intense at the same time. This would be unplanned pregnancy #2 for it's a shocker! I am pretty pumped though. I cant believe I get to exprience being pregnant, gving birth, and another child. Another newborn..eeek! So excited!
Ive got alotof planning to do and alot to take care of, but every little gonna be allright:)
Here's what the dealio is.
Found out after 6 days of no period. I tested and got a positive on 4/17/12 my EDD is 12/21/12.
I am gonna give birth to the chosen one! So, bring on the apocolypse babayyy!!! haha. But for real...let's hope the world isn't really gonna end cause I cant wait to meet this little bean.
How far along? 5 weeks
Total weight gain : no weight gain thus far. Pre pregnancy weight 135. Still at 135!
Maternity clothes? No maternity clotes yet, but I can see my belly is gonna poke out quickly this time around!
Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)
Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy, I have had lots of pooing old zits, and my hair seems to be the same. I always wear it up though lately, so maybe I should straighten it and see!
Sleep: Sleeping fine, feeling EXHAUSTED. Ive been having some pretty intense, vivid dreams lately!
Best moment this week: Not pregnancy related...but my new job is going well!
Miss anything? Not at the moment ;)
Movement: Only gas for now. Cannot wait to feel some kicks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells have been intense for me, and I feel pretty good. No sickness yet. I know it's coming though:(
Gender: It's far too early, but I cannot wait to know!
Labor signs: No way!
Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, dizzy when I stand up too fast. Off and on loss of appetite.
Belly button in or out? In for now! But, I already have an "innie/outie" so it wont be long until it's popped out!
Can you see your toes? Yes!
Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody. But mostly happy. And tired.
Looking forward to: Knowing the gender!!! My belly bump to pop out! Hearing the heartbeat for the first time!
Here is some pictures I have so far!!
I cannot wait to see what this pregnancy entails!!!
See you next week for week #6!!!!!
Yay for babies!