
Sweet Rylan

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

11, 12, 13 WEEKS PREGNANATED!!!!!

The second trimester is finally showing it's face
How far along? 11, 12, 13 weeks...I am late to writing this, so I am going to fill you in all at once. changes are pretty gradual at this point, not all at once, so I have a few more weeks I can be lazy and jam the weeks together, right?

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now around 139-140. I have been losing weight due to all the puking, so let's hope that ends soon!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, shorts, sweatpants. I have some shirts that will still fit me for a while, and some skirts. I definitely need maternity pants though, things are tight around the waist!

Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy,and my skin has been pretty clear of pimples! I feel like my hair has grown alot as well.My leg hairs don't seem to be growing any faster than usual though.

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Not only am I exhausted, I cant get comfortable! My back hurts, feet hurt, and need pillows everywhere to get any sleep. This has alot to do with working too...wears me out! 
NEED a bigger bed ASAP.

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat on my doppler load and clear:)
Miss anything? Being able to smell cooking food and not want to vomit! Missing all the foods I love, but cant stomach. Missing a day where I don't throw up at least once!

Movement: I feel like I may have felt some flutters at 13 weeks!!! I felt what I thought was the baby flutter around when I was sitting in the recliner relaxing. i got the doppler out and put it where I felt the flutters and found the heartbeat instantly! I really think I feel the baby! Always when I am relaxing or sitting still, never when I am moving about.

Food cravings:These past few weeks have been hard. No cravings really, but more of finding what CAN I eat? Everything sounds, smells, and looks completely horrible! Nothing seems to please my appetite. I was craving BBQ food, and got it...that was yummy!

Anything making you queasy or sick:Everything is making me quesy or sick. Every little smell makes me want to throw up! Rinsing Rylan's poo diapers is horrid! Cooking dinner is hard. I am sensitive to everything, it's ridiculous! I throw up every morning at least once, more often 2-3 times. I feel sick alllllll day long!

Gender: It's too early, but I will find out in August!!!!

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, heartburn, emotional, BIG BOOBS, scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. And happy.

Belly button in or out? Making it's way out already. I have an innie/outie type belly button, so it's no surprise it's poking out so soon!

Can you see your toes? Yes!

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody. But mostly happy. And tired.Very emotional. Everything makes me cry!

Looking forward to: Knowing the gender!!! My belly bump to pop out!Feeling movement all the time. Being able to eat. Eating everything in sight!!! (not everything, but going without real meals and puking all the time is getting old im ready to EAT EAT EAT...hopefully mostly healthy foods)!

I am 13 weeks as I am writing this, week 14 is on it's way!!!! I cannot believe it, I will be halfway through this pregnancy before I can blink!

Much love, 


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