
Sweet Rylan

Thursday, May 24, 2012

So...I realized I never updated 8 here goes EIGHT AND NINE!!!!
The second trimester is near!
How far along? 8-9 weeks

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now at 140.
I have been eating some junk lately. Dedicating myself to healthy eating and to continue to exercise!

Maternity clothes? I have one pair of stretchy type jeans that fit me, but I have also been wearing some comfortable maternity capris and shorts! Things are definitely getting tighter around the waist.

Stretch marks? No new ones, still have my faded one's from Rylan's pregnancy though:)

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy,and my skin has been pretty clear of pimples! I feel like my hair has grown alot as well. I know the hair on my legs has been growing fast!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. I sleep on my stomach, and now have gotten to a point where it's not comfortable to. I have to use a pillow in between my legs, and behind my back to ensure I am comfortable. Also, it's more comfortable on my right side, but I try to sleep on the left as much as possible.

Best moment this week:Rylan recieved a medal at The Little Gym!!! He is so happy about it too:)

Miss anything? Being able to smell cooking food and not want to vomit!

Movement: Only gas for now. Cannot wait to feel some kicks!

Food cravings: Anything spicy or mexican food. Jalapenos, chips, and salsa!! I have been craving pizza, salad, lots of soup, walnuts, and orange juice!!!

Anything making you queasy or sick:Everything is making me quesy or sick. Every little smell makes me want to throw up! Rinsing Rylan's poo diapers is horrid! Cooking dinner is hard. I am sensitive to everything, it's ridiculous! I have puked many times now, mostly in the morning. The morning puke consists of stomach acid, which is horrible. And, Rylan thinks it's hilarious when I gag or throw up! Ive got a little audience when I am puking, oh joy!

Gender: It's far too early, but I cannot wait to know!

Labor signs: No way!

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, dizzy when I stand up too fast. Off and on loss of appetite. My nipples are SO sore. Everytime Rylan latches I have to take a deep breath. It doesn't really hurt to nurse, but the latching on is horrible! I have to remind Rylan numerous times to be gentle with the boobies. Feeling queasy. Strange cravings of things I never ate before pregnancy. BIG BOOBS! I can see my belly growing quickly!

Belly button in or out? Making it's way out already. I have an innie/outie type belly button, so it's no surprise it's poking out so soon!

Can you see your toes? Yes!

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody. But mostly happy. And tired.Very emotional. Everything makes me cry!

Looking forward to: Knowing the gender!!! My belly bump to pop out! Hearing the heartbeat for the first time! I bought a doppler!!! I am so excited to get it and hear my baby!!! I dont know when or if I will ever get to see a midwife or OB, so I really wanted to get a doppler. Trying to figure everything out so I can get some prenatal care and hopefully a sonogram!

 See you for week TEN!!!!

xoxo, Naomi

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