Not exactly...but I like to believe so. I know all babies are amazing, wonderful, sweet, adorable etc...but I want to brag about MY amazing, wonderful, sweet, adorable, kissable, smiley, sweetie pie Indee Rose.
Ohhhh Indee Rose! How I love her so.
I honestly never thought I could love another as much as I love Rylan, but Indee has made my heart DOUBLE in size. She has shown me a whole new kind of love. A love for my daughter<3 I love my sweet girl so much it makes me cry!
I have an incredible son, and a beautiful daughter. My heart is SO FULL.
Indee is so sweet I can hardly take it. She is so healthy and happy. She is peaceful, calm, content. She loves to sleep. She loves to nurse and cuddle. She loves to be touched, loved, and tickled. She loves to talk and hear herself! She is so vibrant. I am so excited to see how Indee develops and how her personality blossoms. Her tempermant is so happy all of the time, she has been since birth. What an angel baby she is!
Rylan was an amazing baby as well, but I must be honest here he was a bit grumpy. He has always been a sweetie, but has always required a little extra attention to reach a state of contentedness. He always had to be rocked and held and nursed. And always had gas and tummy issues. I have no complaints, I embraced every bit of him, still do. Even now as a toddler he always needs a little extra attention, and sometimes isn't the easiest to console. He is such a sweet, brilliant little boy regardless. He is amazing in every single way.
But Indee....sweet Indee. She is always happy and hardly ever cries. She doesn't require a whole lot of extra anything to be happy. She doesn't ever wake up crying. EVER. I really cannot recall a single time she has woken up crying, or cried throughout the night. She always wakes up,kicks around, makes sweeeet grunt noises, nurses, goes to sleep. She never wakes up from a nap crying or upset. If she has been awake a while and I still haven't gotten her she will yell a bit, but she hardly ever gets worked up.
She goes with the flow.
Such a beautiful soul she is, I can see every one she meets is going to fall in love with her.
She is so amazing to me it is unreal. I cannot believe she is mine, and I am her mommy. I truly was "blessed" with the most amazing little girl.
Anyway. She is so incredible, I just want to share her with the world!
I hope the world takes care of my sweet princess in return:)
She has even grown since these pictures. I will upload new pictures when I get them from my camera. Such a doll!
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