
Sweet Rylan

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Life is so Beautiful Like That<3

So something new has happened in my life. I have found love. Life is beautiful like that you know?
When you are down, life brings you further down. When life brings you back up, you learn to appreciate being up.

I haven't written in my poor blog in so long. It has been so neglected, so has my youtube channel. Anyone who follows, I am so sorry!

Life has left me uninspired in the months before now. I feel like I have put so much out there about myself, and exposed a realness of me that I don't think I want everyone to see. I am unsure about if I want to continue to make my youtube videos for everyone to see, but I may keep writing this blog, who knows.

Anyway. I am such a random rambler!!

Life has given me someone that I needed. I am not sure how or why this person has entered my life, but I needed him.
I love him.

There is someone new in my life that tells me every single day how beautiful I am.
Someone who came to me knowing I had two small kiddos, and wanted to know the real me.
Someone who wanted to be a part of Naomi Rylan and Indee.

Someone who doesn't take me for granted, or bring me down. He brings me up, and wants me to stay up! He goes out of his way for me. He accepts me. He accepts my children.

I met this person over the wonderful world of the INTERNET. Can you believe it?? Haha. He must be a psycho ready to chop me into bits right??
I sure hope not. He's got a good alibi going for him if this is the case at least.....

I only kid. So this person came at me like "Hey girl, you're the prettiest damn thing I ever saw"
And we went from there...
Turns out he's pretty amazing. We get along well. Hes SEXY.

Let's talk about a first date as a single mama of a 2 yr old and 3 month old at the time....

First date:

We had been messaging each other for nearly a MONTH before we finally met. (I think he wanted to meet sooner, I was only pushing it off a bit...not really but it's hard getting a babysitter and pumping milk and so on...)
Finally the day came. FIRST DATE DAY. Oh my gosh. So nervous I could puke. I contemplated if I actually wanted to go through with it or not all day long. Even as I was driving to the date I was contemplating if I should show up or not. This man that I had been talking to for so long seemed way too good to be true. How in the world is he so interested in going on a date with ME??
Ill let you in on something here...because I am AWESOME. Haha. I kid again..but for real....
Anyway. We met for sushi. I got there first. Sitting in my car in the parking garage and I nearly puked.
I saw a truck pull up with a hottie inside...KNEW right away it was him...although I am pretty sure he didn't see me...I got out of my car and went to his truck and we hugged and the first thing I said was, "I am so nervous" UGH leave it to me to say something fucking stupid...oh well. we hugged and walked together and chatted akwardly. The sushi was good. We talked a bit,things were going well. Most of all HE WAS SO HOTT. Too hot to handle. For real yo.
Haha. After sushi we went bowling...which I pre warned him I am the worst at, but it was a lot of fun. It was a dark bowling alley, really secluded. Meant for lovers:)
Then that moment happened....FIRST KISS. He pulled me in and kissed me and I am pretty sure I was set that this man was going to be MINE. That moment. Honestly, from the second I saw him I knew he would be mine, but the kiss validated that. What a kiss.
Incredible. The rest of the night I was so high on life that it went so perfectly. We spent a while making out in his truck before we left...and from then on...he has not left my mind.
I feel lucky to have had such an awesome first date expereince. When we left each other and I was off to my life of kiddos...all I could think about is "When can I see him again"
We have been together over a month now  for nearly 4 months now!
Life is going good.
Love is good.
Maybe some will say it's too soon for love...but when you know, you know. Right?
So damn random.

But I have my first date and my new love on my mind, and needed to share with you here blogspot friends.

Anything new in your life to inspire you?

Im in love<3


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