
Sweet Rylan

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I made it to my due date! Say what???
Now as my due date 12/21/12 has come and gone....just waiting, waiting, waiting on BABY!!

At this point things are taking their sweet time. Where oh where is my squishy newborn? Still in the BELLY!

How far along? Currently 40 weeks 1 day pregnant as writing this.
Not sure how to feel that I don't have my sweet girl yet, but I am happy she is nice and FULL TERM!

Total weight gain: Pre pregnancy weight 135. Now 158. Total of 23 pounds gained so far. Gaining weight has been such a struggle for me this pregnancy! But, I feel comfortable with my weight gain, and I know she is nice and healthy in there:) With Rylan I gained a total of 25 pounds, he was born at 38 I am a little smaller this pregnancy! But comparing my belly casts, I think she is bigger that he was! We shall see!

Rylan's yellow Belly cast, baby GIRL'S blue belly cast! Both done around 35 weeks!

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity pants, sweatpants.Pretty much I dont leave the house since working from home, so I am always in comfy clothes!I am down to about 2 shirts that fit, and one pair of pants that clothes are limited!

Stretch marks? I have small marks that have extended from my marks from Rylan! Very small, and only a couple. They are in the exact spots his marks are, on my LOVE HANDLES! I suppose I stretch from the back to front, just as I did with Rylan. Luckily this time, my butt has not extended into the next country though! I have maintained a pretty normal weight growth, and really it's only been my belly that has done all the growing! I got one new stretch mark right above my belly button! VERY random.

Skin, Hair & Nails: My nails have been growing like crazy,My skin is a little pimply this week. Maybe hormones getting ready to deliver?? LETS HOPE SO!

Sleep: Sleeping has been a bit uncomfortable. Can only sleep on my left side, and Rylan likes to be a snuggle I am cramped in one position all night. I also wake up to pee every 2 hours, and then have to find a comfortable position again. And the heartburn is INTENSE!

Best moment this week:Taking sick leave from work and being able to rest! Been going to bed by 8 pm every night, it has been nice! I have been spending lots of time with Rylan and preparing for baby girl, so that has been very wonderful!

Miss anything?All the foods I love. I still have lots of aversions, but it is getting better! I miss having a normal appetite, mine is all out of whack!
Movement: LOTS of movement still! She is a bit cramped and her movements are different now, but she's still going strong in there!
Food cravings:Chicken noodle soup, mexican food (although the heartburn is horrendous SOOO horrible), pizza, BBQ, potatoes, avocados, pasta with alfredo sauce, brussel sprouts, poptarts(guilty), cereal with almond milk, chili/bean soup, cornbread, pumpkin,turkey sandwhiches!  I have been DYING to eat some grilled veggie kabobs and some grilled fish. Sounds soooo yummy! Oh man, and California rolls. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick:Lots of food is still making me quesy. I still throw up somedays, SO RANDOMELY. I will literally just all of the sudden gag and throw up, out of no where! It's crazy! I have even had to pull over from driving to throw up! I still throw up in the mornings sometimes too. It comes on out of no where. Usually before I have eaten anything.

Gender:BABY GIRL!!!!!! At least I hope she's still a girl in there...I did get another sonogram to make sure, and she claims shes a girl still! I definitely did not see a penis!

Labor signs: I have been experiencing some braxton hicks contractions, crampyness, lots of pressure, but no pattern is being formed. The contractions are all day long, but never get stronger, never progress.

Symptoms: Backaches, exhausted, short of breath, peeing every 20 minutes, HEARTBURN emotional,scatterbrain...(is that a symptom?)..ha. GAS. Oh my how I have forgotten the gas during pregnancy. Lots of nausea. Moody. Crampy. READY.

Belly button in or out?It's out there, no doubt.

Can you see your toes? NO!  Oh my goodness, I have to peek around the belly to see my feet. (DEFinitely cant see my VAG either without peeking around, HAHA!)

Happy or moody most of the time: Ive been pretty moody.Overall happy and anxious for baby to come!

Looking forward to:A large appetite coming soon...still dont have a huge appetite.  I am looking forward to my BIRTH!!!
Looking forward to meeting my baby girl, and giving birth to her. Anxious for labor and the next many months to come!

40 week midwife appt was good. Baby is good, just comfy as can be in there! She is not engaged or really in the position yet, but she is head and shoulders down. She favors the left side rather than the right, so I have been spending lots of time crawling around after Rylan.

 40 weeks!!

Little Rylan as a newborn!! He was SO SO SO TINY!


Check me out on Youtube!!! naomrs1 Follow me on FACEBOOK!!!

Also, check out our collab channel TheCrunchyLife where we talk about crunchy/natural living...the way nature intended!

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