
Sweet Rylan

Friday, November 11, 2011

Babies and Toddlers!!!

Ive been babysitting my best friend Sarah's baby, sweet baby boy Judah, and it has been such an experience! Finding a balance between a newborn baby (who is becomming not so newborn each time I see him) and my crazy attention loving toddler is a task! Rylan wants my attention and for me to play with him all day, and is slowly getting used to me caring for another baby. He is so silly about his mama milk when I am holding Judah. He thinks that I am going to give it up or something! When I am holding Judah or feeding him a bottle (of his mommy's expresses milk ofcourse) Rylan is right at me signing for milk and saying , "Mama Baaaaa"...which is his term for BOOB!!! If someone were to walk in they would think I am crazy!!! Holding Judah in my arms, feeding him a bottle..with my boob out dangling for Rylan to walk up and have a sip! He likes to feel like he can have milk while Judah has it I suppose. Rylan does love his Judah though. All day long he wants to kiss him, and brings him toys. Sweet boy. He also doesn't understand you have to be gentle with the baby...we're working on that.
                                                               Rylan kissing his baby! <3

On a whole different note, I had my first chiropractic adjustment on Wednesday..and OH MY I left that office feeling great! I never reaized how bad my neck and back truly hurt until it didn't hurt at all!!! The adjustment only held a few days...cause it was my first..but I sure cannot wait for another!!! Random..but it was very exciting for me.

My last post was very depressing, and I am still sad, just trying to channel my sadness elsewhere. I need to start exercising. That is what I want to accomplish in my life right now. How have I not exercised in so long? My poor body is dying for it!I hope to start soon...I thought about starting tonight..but then I ate some cobbler instead:( Ohhh well! Tomorrow is a new day. OH AND JENNY...I dont know how to respond to comments just yet...still figuring this out. But, you said the most upliftng, sweet, sincere things to me in response to my posts, and it brought me to tears reading. I love you so much for that.

I like this blog's quite nice!!! I know this is kinda random...but my mind is kinda random right now.

I LOOOOOOVE these footed jammies! I want him to have many many more jammies with feeties!!!

Anyway...I am off to bed. I am going to do somthing productive tomorrow! Productivty is what I need!

Much love, Naomi

1 comment:

  1. Well you are very welcome my love! Just speaking the truth <3 Rylan is super cute in his jammies! I'll be keeping an eye out for some hand me downs (: Love the footed jammies!! Rylan is so cute when he gets jealous. I think it's adorable that he MUST have momma milk while Judah is getting his momma milk. So sweet! I will come over soon so I can see you juggle both monkeys and lend a helping hand, even if it is for only 40 minutes! I love those boys! And I love you. Have a fantabulous day bestie!
