
Sweet Rylan

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Health stuff, and my sweet sweet baby! the wninter is approaching, so are the germs! While I do think germs are great, and I am the least scared of germs, it is important to keep your body up to par to fight off any possible infection!
I have just gotten over some "gunk"...but I never really was sick I suppose. I woke up with a tiny bit of throat soreness, but no fever or any other sypmtoms really, so immediately I started on my trusty immune boosting/cold fighting remedy! Taking vitamin c everyday is important, but when I start to feel down I ensure to get plenty of vitamin c...and if there is some "gunk" involved I garlic tea it up!!!!!

Cold/infection/flu fighting remedy!!
Chop fresh garlic, and leave to sit for ten minutes..something about the healing properties coming alive...
Steep chopped garlic into water and prepare hot tea of choice! I like chamomile or green tea when I am sick especially.
Mix in fresh lemon, and honey.
Surprisingly, the garlic tea is soooo yummy! Maybe I am just a garlic freak though?
But, a few of these drinks during the day, and one before bed, I wake up feeling great!

A video I made about immune boosting foods and natural remedies!!!

With all of that being said....I found an old picture of my sweet baby, that I have to share here. What a sweet boy! Possibly one of my favorite pictures of all time. Co-sleeping with my baby has been such an amazing experience, and here is my innocent boy in mama's bed!
I think he is the sweetest thing in the entire world! In my entire world at least. :) I think he was about 5 months here.

My first date night since I was pregnant is coming!!!!! That's right, I have not been away from Rylan over night...nor just on a date. Zach and I have gone to the Bass Hall to see the ballet, "Cinderella", and I have gone to a movie with my best friends once...otherwise, Rylan has been there. And I am going OUT on a date ALL NIGHT LONG, without Rylan. It's sad...but I am SOOOOOOOO excited!! He will be with my friend who I trust indefinitely, so I am not worried..but pumped and ecstatic!! We are going out for Zachary's birthday, the big 21! So...he will be obnoxiously drunk I am sure...while I dress ridiculously lovely, and I may have a drink or two! I think it is going to be the best night, I just know it!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Visiting with family and eating lots of food! I should just say, I am thankful this year for so many things. My boyfriend, for being my love and giving me the best gift I could ask for...I am thankful for Rylan, for showing what unconditional love is, and my purpose in life..for letting me know everyday how much he loves me..even when he has been a goober..for teaching me more than anyone else has, and for being so perfect and true. I am thankful for my dad, for supporting my decisions always, and helping me through life, for allowing me to live in his home still, and for teaching me so much. Im thankful for my friends for loving me for who I am, being there for me no matter what. For guiding me in the right direction, and being with me even at my worst. I must say... I have found true, great friends, and I am so lucky to have them. I am thankful for my mom, despite our differences, but I do love her...and she did give me life. She has never judged me, and I love her for that. I am thankful for knowing things I know now, and for helping others through my knowledge and experiences. You know...even if only one person is listening...that counts for something. If for throwing myself out there, it only helps or comforts one person..I am happy.

Off of my ramble now....but I am thankful for life! And for food and water. Electricity, and a car. Id love to live like a pilgrim..but too bad it's 2011 and I am in Texas!!

One more sweet picture of my sweet boy, then I am off to bed.

Messy Mouth!!!! I LOVE HIM.

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